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Information about so-called cookies
Information on the scope and purpose of data processing from terminal devices in the electronic communications network (so-called cookies)
Slavamir Schneider,
registered in the Trade Register, registered office 602 00 Brno, Orlí 485/4, 602 00 Brno, ID: 76471390, tel .: 725090720, e-mail: , as an entrepreneur who, via a web browser, when loading his website intends to use or uses a network of electronic communications to store data (eg small text files, so-called cookies) in the end devices of network participants or users of services provided through the network, ie. to their computers, tablets or mobile phones, etc., or intends to do so or does so to gain access to data that is stored in the terminals of these persons, 
inform such persons in advance in order to protect the confidentiality of communications of the scope and purpose of the processing of the data thus obtained. 
At the same time, the entrepreneur offers these persons the opportunity to refuse such processing. 
The scope and purpose of data processing, as well as the offered possibility of their rejection, are as follows:
All range                        Purpose:                        Option to reject:
                     Basic website functionality                      x
                  Web Traffic Measurement (Google Analytics)                   x
                  Web Traffic Measurement (Facebook Pixel)                    x
           Ensuring the connection of the website with the payment gateway (without personal data)         x
                Finding the geographical location of a website visitor             x
               Maintaining a visitor's login to the website              x
          Preservation of items in the visitor's shopping cart on the website     x        
           Target and personalize ads or other display content         x              
The scope and purpose of data processing can also be rejected by setting up an Internet browser or other application of the participant in the electronic communications network or the user of the services thus provided.
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